Zero Waste Academy is back for Spring 2022!

We are delighted to announce the return of the Zero Waste Academy (ZWA), the Sanitation Foundation’s free, 9-session educational series that introduces participants to waste management – a topic that is increasingly becoming one of the most relevant in sustainability– and explores how it fits into our city and our world. ZWA brings together subject matter experts from both the NYC Department of Sanitation and the private sector, including organizations like Closed Loop Partners, the Center for Zero Waste Design, and Foodprint Group. These virtual sessions will explore topics like:

  • the current landscape of waste in NYC, both public and private, 

  • the origins of American “throwaway culture” and an introduction to circular economies, 

  • how architecture and the built environment influence recycling and diversion habits, 

  • and a focused look at food waste, the largest diversion opportunity in our waste stream

In addition to the core educational sessions, several optional field trips will allow participants to see recycling in action in New York City, from virtual fields trips to Cooper Recycling (zero waste construction + demolition debris) and Sims Municipal Recycling (one of the largest MRFs in North America) to in-person trips to see Earth Matter’s NYC Compost Project operations, a part of the Trust for Governors Island’s ‘Zero Waste Island’ initiative.

Our inaugural Academy hosted more than 250 participants, from all corners of NYC and even a few other states and other countries. Some were established professionals in the sustainability space, others were starting from scratch but eager to know more. We spoke to one participant, Leah Shoot, about how ZWA influenced her career:

I believe I may have mentioned how much I enjoyed the Sanitation Foundation's Zero Waste Academy last May, but wanted to reiterate just how great of a program it really was! 

Many people have asked me how I've made the transition into the sustainability space and ZWA always plays a part in my response. Following ZWA, I decided to get credentialed as a TRUE Advisor — a program that ZWA put on my radar — and had the opportunity to work with people I met through your program and events. In fact, I have had the chance to consult with 3 different companies thanks to the connections I made through ZWA.  

When people ask what courses or programs I recommend to learn about integrating sustainability into their careers, I always mention ZWA!

This year’s ZWA starts April 30 and will culminate in an in-person networking event on May 19. Participation is free but space is limited, so be sure to apply early! Applications are open from April 4 - 15. Explore the curriculum and apply at: 

The Zero Waste Academy would not be possible without generous support from ConEdison and The Verizon Foundation.


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